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Paw Paw man caught growing more marijuana than license allowed

People in Kalamazoo who’ve been granted special privileges because of their jobs often don’t find it difficult to cross the line of respecting those privileges and abusing them. Often the abuse is for monetary gain or just to flaunt their ability to get away with practices that would normally arouse suspicions or even invite trouble. It’s often easy for people in such a scenario get away with abuse of whatever privilege that they’ve been entrusted with because many simply believe that they’re performing their jobs. However, once one’s abuse is discovered, those involved in it may quickly find themselves facing serious legal troubles.

Such is the case with a Paw Paw man who is currently facing felony drug charges after police were tipped off by his estranged wife that he had cultivated a large marijuana crop. The man was actually licensed to grow and sell marijuana to patients for medicinal purposes, yet that license only permitted him to grow a certain amount. Police found him in possession of more than he was legally allowed to possess. He was also found to have manufactured hashish, which isn’t allowed with his license. Police also found a number of unlicensed handguns during a search of his property, which resulted in him having gun possession charges added to the list of total charges that he is facing.

One may surprised to see just how easily he or she can get end up facing a criminal charge when working with products or materials that are usually viewed as illegal. If they are put in the position of having to face the music, an experienced criminal defense attorney may help them to earn an acceptable outcome to their case.

Source: Mlive Kalamazoo “Paw Paw teacher with medical marijuana license facing felony drug charges” Julie Mack, Oct. 30, 2013

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