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Possessing methamphetamine ingredients in Michigan can be illegal

Methamphetamine is a drug that can be made with what were once over-the-counter medications and other ingredients. In an effort to curtail the manufacturing of methamphetamine, law enforcement and regulatory officials have taken steps to reduce the availability of key medications. As a result, many Michiganders may find themselves facing drug charges and the potential for serious penalties when they may not have had any intention at all to create methamphetamine.

Michigan law makes it a crime to purchase certain amounts of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. In any given day, an individual is limited to purchasing 3.6 grams total of these substances. Only nine grams can be purchased in a 30-day timeframe. In some cases, possession of these substances alone can constitute a crime. It is illegal for an individual to possess more than 12 grams of any combination of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, and it is against the law to possess any amount if the intent in that possession is to make methamphetamine or if the individual knows that the substances will be used in methamphetamine manufacturing.

The penalties for breaking these laws can be relatively harsh. On the lighter end, an individual could face up to 93 days in jail and a $500 fine. On the stricter end, especially if the possession of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine is for the purpose of methamphetamine manufacture, <a href=”/drug-crimes/”>prison sentences</a> can be as long as five years and a fine can be as large as $5,000.

A criminal conviction and its corresponding penalties can have a drastic impact on an individual’s life, which is why an accused individual needs to carefully consider his or her criminal defense options. When facing such allegations, an individual needs to be prepared and aggressive. An experienced attorney may be able to provide guidance under these circumstances.

<b>Source: </b>Michigan Legislature, “<a target=”_blank” href=”http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(zzphwcslb21tyohgrckdxom5))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&amp;objectName=mcl-333-17766c” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Section 333.17766c</a>,” accessed on Sept. 9, 2016

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