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Punishments can vary for drunk driving and DUI convictions

Michigan law dictates the serious punishments that individuals may face if they are found guilty of DUI and alcohol-based driving charges. This post will generally discuss some of the penalties that they may be required to comply with in the wake of their convictions. But, those readers with case-specific questions are asked to discuss their inquiries with criminal defense attorneys. This post is not intended to provide legal advice.

Depending on a person’s criminal history and the charges they were convicted, <a target=”_blank” href=”http://dui.findlaw.com/dui-cases/drunk-driving-sentencing.html” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>punishments</a> can include fines and jail time. Beyond these, individuals can lose their driving privileges through license suspensions and revocations, which can span from several months to more than a year.

If a person is allowed to maintain their license after sentencing, they may have to follow specific rules regarding when and where they can drive. They may only be allowed to drive to and from work or other court-stipulated routes. Some who maintain these limited driving privileges may have ignition interlock devices installed in their vehicles that require them to blow alcohol-free breath into them before their vehicles can start.

In some cases, courts may attempt to provide convicted drivers with counseling or diversion programs that are intended to educate them on the dangers of driving while drunk and means of addressing alcoholism or other potential drinking problems. While a person may not be sentenced to all of these possible punishments, it is important that they understand the breadth of issues they may face, if they are found guilty of their charges.

As presented in this post, a <a href=”/drunk-driving/”>drunk driving</a> conviction can impose significant and life-altering consequences on a person’s future. Though it is impossible to guarantee or predict a legal outcome, it is common for individuals facing DUI and other drunk driving charges to work with criminal defense attorneys to help them address their charges and avoid the punishments of conviction.

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